About Me

I teach TAG (talented & gifted) elementary children in Roswell,Ga. This is my 16th year in the classroom. Currently, I am working on my master's degree in technology in education through Lesley University. Creating this blog is an assignment for one of our classes.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

My Web Presenatation

I will be working with Nancy Story to present the following site: www.ology.amnh.org
This is a site created by the American Museum of Natural History.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Reflections on Readings

I read the article:

Vesey, K. (2002) The Internet-only Research Approach: Does the Web Really Have All There Is to Say? From Now On The Educational Technology Journal. Retrieved May 31, 2005 from http://www.fno.org/sept02/internetonly.html

The main focus of this article is webquests and the validity of the sites in which students are linked to in order to research.The article is written by a media specialist who questions whether or not the internet alone is enough when searching for valid information. He takes the time to investigate the individual sites that students are linked to in a variety of webquest activities. I found the results of his investigation quite disturbing. Many of the linked sites were created and posted by people who were not credible experts. He also makes the point that our school libraries are full of valuable and accurate resources that students may not access because they are only focused on web based resources.
Mr. Vessey created his own version of an inquiry related lesson and calls them libraryquests. These are designed to model a comprehensive research process which will include other resources as well as the web. Unfortunately, I was unable to view his site because the URL could not be found. (http://www.lovett.org/libraryweb/projects.htm),
I think the article really gave me some food for thought as I begin to implement webquests in my classroom. I will continue to require different types of resources for student research, and I will definitely take the time to investigate links provided in webquests created by others and in my own creations.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Reflections on readings

I read the article:

Blogging and RSS: The "What's It?" and "How To" of Powerful New Web Tools for Educators. Multimedia and Internet@Schools, 11(1)., Richardson, W. (2004)

I found this article to be quite interesting and informative. I'm glad I read this article after having had some practical experience with blogging and RSS over the weekend. After a brief overview he goes on to discuss the impact on education. He links to a school whose principal has jumped on the bandwagon in a big way. The Meriwether Lewis Elementary Web site [http://lewiselementary.org/] features the latest in news and events related to the school and community. They are collected from a series of separate Weblogs that are hooked together using RSS. How cool is that?Another part that appeals to me is that the content is the focus and not the design of the website.
One teacher used weblogs to dialog about the book "The Secret Life of Bees" by Sue Monk Kidd
the author herself even joined the discussion. Students also were able to post original art work related to the book.

In terms of RSS the article gave a few ideas about what types of feeds educators may want to subscribe to. You really can find yourself on the cutting edge of information if you take the time to research and subscribe to the right feeds. I will continue to reflect on how I can incorporate RSS and weblogs into my curriculum. The possibilities seem to be endless.

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Here is an interesting article about the accuracy of wikipedia as it relates to education.

I'm a blog immigrant

This is my very first attempt at blogging! I'm excited about using one to communicate with my students and their parents because I only see my class once a week.

My favorite books

  • The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls
  • Comeback by Claire and Mia Fontaine